Thursday, March 17, 2011

Update 3/17

Well it has been 9 days since my last post and I am extremely sorry for that. I have been doing a lot of soul searching to discover myself. I started Insanity. I made it through the first 5 days and then my schedule went crazy. 2 days off and I got back on the band wagon until the day before my daughters first birthday. Again with the craziness. Stuffing my face with cake and reese's yesterday (my daughter's birthday), I again did not do insanity. The one thing that I have stayed constant with is my race training. I run/walk every single day. I love the cool breeze against my face, and the calmness of walking in the country. I also take my kids in the wagon sometimes because they love going for walks.

The whole point of this blog is my weight loss journey. Eating has been terrible, but luckily my race training has helped me maintain my weight!

In my soul searching I have discovered so many things about myself. Things I want to change and that starts today.

1. I am a worry bug- I worry about everything. If a friend does not text me back I assume they are mad, actually I always assume one of my friends are mad.

Fixer- I have slowly stopped caring about certain people/friends in my life that do not make me a priority as I do them. Having so many friends is complicated. I have neglected friends that really care about for those who don't care about me at all. I want to surround myself with those that encourage me, make me laugh, make me my best, share secrets, and I want to do the same for those friends.

2. If I died today I honestly do not know if I would go to heaven.

Fixer- I honestly do not know how to fix this. The first step is giving up my doubts, and focus on the great things god has given me. Pray often, and read his word is another way to start. I think this will be a gradual process but it is something that everyone should think about with all the natural tragedies going on.

3. I do not focus on me- Yes I buy myself stuff to feel better, but I do not actually put myself first. I let others dictate my eating habits, and exercise habits.

Fixer- Quit eating out so dang much, cut the television time to the minimum, get off my but and do something. I have all ready started some of these things so I am on the right path

4. Organization-I have what you call a pig pin on my side of the bed. Ray teases me all the time but it is true. I can organize anyone else's stuff but when it comes to my own you can forget about it.

Fixer-I have started cleaning up all my messes TODAY. It will be a few days process, but I am getting there and my room is looking better by the day.

5. Time- I put so many obligations on myself, that I do not realize the time I have to finish them is unrealistic.

Fixer- I am giving up a few things. I have decided what, but of course I have to double check with my beautiful husband! I would like to start dabbling in the culinary department. I love cooking and baking but it is so time consuming. I think in the effort to eat out less I am going to start cooking new stuff. I will keep you posted!

I know this is a long update and if you read it all I LOVE YOU! There will be more tomorrow as I am now back on track.

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