Thursday, July 21, 2011

At what cost....

I have had some serious issues with my friends lately. I am a person that worries, says yes when I mean no, and let people's emotions persuade me into doing things I do not want to do. Not serious things of course but things like going out when I should stay home, spending money when I really do not have any, and basically my some of my friends feel as if I should pay more attention to them then I do my family.

Let me start by saying NO ONE is as important as my family no matter what the occasion. I do not care how long it has been planned and I knew about it. In trying to do the right thing my friends decide that they will guilt me into doing what they want.

Guess what....not anymore..these past few weeks I have managed to lose a few friends and I am perfectly fine with that and I have a feeling that I am fixing to lose a few more and I am actually gleefully excited about that as well.

My goals are to buy land and build a house. Give my children everything they want, and save for our future. I can not do that if I am constantly spending money on other people. My real friends can accept the new friendship terms or find a different friend to push around.

These past two days in making all these decisions I have never been happier.

Things are about to change.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Caveman Crawl 2011

The caveman crawl was a flipping blast this year. Some of my best friends participated in it with me including my husband!! The course was the HARDEST course I have come across to date. Here are a few fun pictures!

Never again.

I told myself when I started this blog that I was going to be honest with myself. I didn't care if people read it, followed it, or even cared. This was for me. If I could help one person I wanted it to be me.

I have missed a few weigh ins and anyone that knows me knows that I have not been living up to my potential.

This morning as I stepped on the scale and saw the numbers flash before my eyes I shed a few tears. I worked so hard to lose weight and here I was gaining it back. I looked in the mirror and felt disgusted. How could I let this happen? I talk about it and people that are bigger then me just could I have such a body issue? I just want to give a BIG F U to anyone that things that their weight issues are bigger or better then mine. EVERYONE has body issues and no matter how little or small they are still issues. I have come such a long way and being so close to my ultimate goal I am letting myself go into fear. When I was 240 pounds I thought that was the worst I would ever feel. I could not by cloths, my skin had a weird rash, I had stretch marks every where. How could I play with my daughter when I got winded just walking? I made the choice to lose weight and I did. Why am I stopping 10 pounds shy?

Then I remembered I am a personal trainer. If I spent half as much time worrying about myself as I do others I would have a flipping six pack. So guess what....that is what I am doing. I am doing ME for a change. I am going to rock my body the best way I know how. I am going to feed it the best food and train it the best way I know how.

This morning I was 157.8...I will never be that again.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Quit being so Negative..

So as promised I did the 2 day cleanse of my diet...I amazingly dropped 2.6 pounds easy. I felt great, had energy, and did not feel deprived in any way...

These past two weeks have been pure hell for me...I was in a automobile accident, had my college dreams crushed, failed a secret shop at my store, my rent house airconditioner went out, I had a huge bank issue and had to take out a loan, and my husband broke his toe. That is a lot to deal with in a short amount of time.

Here is what happened. I kept dwelling on all the bad that was happening and when I sat down to write this all I could think of was how I am the world's most negative person. Maybe I made my own fate. I am a wait for the other shoe to drop kind of person.

I am the same way with my weightloss. I don't expect it to be easy but I kind of treat the process that way. I get lazy and just flat out do not want to do the work. I know so many people that are just like me in everyway.

I am going to try and be more positive, but i know it will not be that easy. I need to dedicate myself to being the person I want to be and doing the things I want to do. My next official weigh in is going to be friday. Stay tuned. Starting tomorrow I am going to start logging everyday my eating habits, and working out stuff. I am also going to start wearing my pedometer at work so I know how far I walk everyday and will log that, and my measurements. I am not going to display my before pictures until I have my afters so I will not feel so ashamed!! Good weight loss luck everyone!