Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 4,5,6, and 7

Sorry that these posts will all blur together. Today is actually day 6 for me. I weighed on day 4 and was pumped to see that I had all ready lost 3.6 pounds. Between doubles at work and school carnivals I have lacked in my workouts. So far this morning I have had M&Ms for breakfast and have remained in bed doing homework all morning. I have been avoiding it and now I have a pile with due dates this week and a major test to study for. Clinical is better for me all though I have not done many surgeries. Still working on deciding my fate but in the end I know what I want from my life. Time with my family, and to travel. I don't care if I live in a shack...okay I care. I don't want to live in a shack but I want to see the entire world and everything it has to offer and I want my kids to see the same things so they can appreciate all that they have. I am totally getting off subject but lets just say that the past three days my workouts and healthy eating has been non-existing. Half way weigh in is tomorrow so we will see how that goes.

Day 4- Class, Lab, and then I went and had coffee with an amazing friend and dinner with the hubs and then home to bake cupcakes to make my little E feel better (she was a little under the weather).

Day 5- Dirty double at work. On my break it was starbucks with T-dog to do some studying. not a very productive night but I made some money.

Day 6- worked that morning, went to walmart with the family to make santa a list...turns out they want everything including things they all ready have. Came home and took a much needed family nap, and then went to K's school carnival. She had so much fun and honestly I did to..we then took K out for some much needed mommy and daddy attention. We went to Ihop, bought her some new comfy sweats, and then went to see Hotel Transylvania...she was more then happy and excited.

It is currently day 7 and I have left my bed once between doing Medcoms....Yay for lazy saturdays!

To be continued......

Okay....I spent all day doing homework and cleaning. After my hard work I rewarded myself with food..Yes I know you are saying "I saw on Pinterest do not reward yourself with food you are not a dog" But I was not really rewarding myself with food it was more of a "you don't have to cook dinner" reward. Pizza. Thats what I had. Pizza and a king size reeses. My entire saturday was stocked with candy. EVIL CANDY. I felt absolutely disgusting. After all that I went to bed. At 3 am both of my daughters woke me up saying they both wet the bed. They NEVER do this and I could not figure out why until I went to clean it up and found a cup with water. Those little turds have been smuggling in water to drink at night!! So from 3-8 it was snuggle time in the Hood bed. My daughters are super good cuddles so I didn't mind at all. The in laws took the girls to church and my husband had to work so I have been in the kitchen working on school work. Instead of eating bad I made myself a protein shake! This day is starting off right. Now to go for a run!! Talk to you Later!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 3

Today was a class day. My alarms did not go off. SUPER. I still managed to get up in time to make breakfast and take k to school. I ate peanut butter toast, green tea, and a banana for breakfast. I had a clif bar for a snack as well as some peanut butter lunch was not good at all but at least I had water :). I came home and immediately changed to do some tire flips, push ups and tricep arms hurt a little, and of course afterwards I ran two miles. When I came home I started cutting, dicing, and grilling. Dinner smelled funny but tasted amazing. We grilled portobello mushrooms, chicken with lime, avocado, and Monterrey jack cheese. The sides were asparagus, and some steamed vegetables. I even managed to do the girls hair after they took showers and now on to some Halloween fun. Hocus Pocus is on tonight so it's time to cuddle. Good night all!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

The big bet and other amazing things

Yesterday started the big bet between me and some of the amazing gentlemen I work with. We don't bet for anything crazy like money. If one guy wins he is our musical DJ for the week. If I win I get to pick a 5k for each of the guys to do.

The first day of the bet didn't go as planned. I always want to overachieve and just blow people out of the water but I am pretty lazy. So my first day went like this.

Woke up early, thought of working out, liked the idea of sleep better so off to lala land I went. Woke up to get ready for church in my new and amazing dress. I felt awesome and church was fantastic. I had to go to the deer lease and grocery shopping. Got home and mustered out the slowest 4 miles I think I have ever done. Was in bed by 8:30. Dinner was good but here is my eating rundown. Handful of m&ms, green tea, protein bar, 6 inch flat bread club with pepperjack mustard mayo lettuce onions and bell peppers with salt and pepper, 8 cookies, 5 fries, 5 chicken nugget, 2 Boca burgers with whole wheat bun, 2 slices if provolone, seasoned vegetables and some avocado.

Today I had clinical. I had to be up at 4 to leave by 5 to be there at 6. I had green tea, banana, peanut butter toast, can of healthy choice soup, fruits, protein bar, peanut m&ms, some candy corn, and lasagna, oh yes...chips and salsa and guacamole. No workout because honestly I am flat out tired .

Cliff notes on other amazing things: paid off loan, paid off gym, paid bills early, got my hair done, went shopping and ACTUALLY got myself something!! Can't wait for tomorrow :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Things are changing friends

Get ready because things are going to be changing....I forgot for a second why I started this blog. I wanted to not only inspire others with my weight loss struggles but also inspire myself. I wanted to show how my family was growing and how we went from rock bottom to sky high. With everything that has been going on forgot what made me happy. I chose to do something in my life based on money and not on happiness. That has left me with a void. I could not figure out what was missing in my life. It was not until I went to a funeral of an amazing man that I discovered that the reason why I felt this void is because I was not chasing my dreams. The person that I see myself as is not the person I actually am. I am a person that wants to be involved in church, but does not want to be judged. I want to be fit and athletic, but not at the expense of my family time. I don't want to spend the next 5-20 years of my life doing something that I am not completely happy at....So format is changing...give me a few days and everything will be up and running!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rough Patch

School: This week I feel like I have accomplished and done so much. Monday on day 2 of my clinicals I was able to scrub in and do some amazing things. Because of HIPPA I am not allowed to say what those things are but I assure you....they were amazing. School is going amazing all though I am lacking some serious sleep. My grades are for the most part A's and I think the only B's I have gotten is because I want to turn everything in early instead of taking my time to really look over everything.

Home: home life is Banana's but I think I have been managing it pretty well. When I come home I try to go straight to spending time with my girls. Today we got them a new bike and scooter. The girls had so much fun. They have gotten to go to the park and swing, take long family walks, and stay up and eat cookies and ice cream. Those are two very lucky girls. The hubs and I have also been doing a tad on the amazing side. I feel like being away from work I am less stressed and have time to focus and breath.

Working out: has been amazing this week. I just hope I keep it up. Saturday I bought some super amazing running shoes as motivation and reward. I have a pretty grizzly bet/pinky promise this week to a friend that I have every intention of keeping. I also got some new socks and a sports bra. I am lucky to have a husband that supports me getting fit. I have hit a brick wall with my weight loss and it has me getting super down on myself. I am 10 pounds heavier then my lowest weight and I just don't know how to get back to where I was without doing some extreme dieting. I am trying not to weigh everyday and I know that my diet could be way more focused. It is true what they say, "you cannot out train a bad diet". I think I am hitting my ah hah moment where I am fixing to change how I do everything. Like a makeover of my life. I wish everyone would participate but it is hard to be hardcore motivated without something amazing and awesome to look forward to.

all in all it has been a great/frustrating weekend. I am exhausted and all I can think about is school, food, and working out. I want to be so much better then I am and I want to be a good role model for  my girls.

Tomorrow I will post the layout for what starts my week of hell!! Its gonna be great!