Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 2 Workout

Work out 2 of WLC

Circut 1: Back kick with shoulder press (10)
DB row (15)
Lunges (50)
squat DB rows (15)
step ups (20)

Circut 2: Crab walk (10 forward)
Reverse Planks with leg lifts (10)
Crab walk (10 backwards)
Reverse Planks with leg lifts (10)
Mountain Climbers (1 minute)
Reverse Crunchs (25)

Circut 3: Crossover Lunges with hammer curls (20)
Hammer Curls (20)
Static Lunge with reverse DB fly (10)
Basic Crunchs (25)
mountain climbers (1 minute)

walk 1.5 miles (cool down)

Weight loss challenge/ Day 1 workout

So I have started a weight loss challenge with three beautiful ladies looking to drop some big pounds. Measurements were taken and fit tests were given. The ladies range very differently in fitness level which makes this really fun. I love helping my friends and family. On a side note I started going back to the gym and am seeing some good results but I will share those friday in my weigh in update!! If there is any information you would like to see on this blog please let me know!! Here is the workout.

Work Out 1 of WLC (weight loss challenge)

circut 1: DB chest press on BB (body ball)

DB flys with crunches on BB

Squats (50 fast)

Circut 2: Plank (hold for 10 sec)

Push-ups (5)

Side plank with leg raises (10)

Plank (10 sec)

push-ups (5)

Side plank with leg raises (10)

mountain climbers (10)

Sumo squats (50 fast)

Circut 3: Squat jumps (20)

Bench Dips (10)

Static Lunges (10)

Tricep extension (10)

Mountain Climbers (10)

Circut 4: Bicycle crunchs (50)

Plank (20sec)

Walk a mile (cool down)

Friday, April 22, 2011

4/22 update and weigh in

Today was my official weigh in for the week and I am proud to announce that I am now 155.4! I do not even remember the last time that I weighed 155. anything. In 3 days of really caring and putting in the effort I have lost 2 pounds.

Want to know what I did?! I have quit drinking. Yes I said quit. I have also been counting my calories with my lose it application. I have been alternating running outside and the gym. It is all working out very nicely!! The weird thing is the temptation is not even there to drink or eat really bad. When I want to eat out I take a look at the nutrition menu first. The calories in some stuff scare me away. It is terrible the amount of fat and calories in salads and sandwichs (things we generally think are healthy).

This week has been great and I have tons of energy. Monday I am starting a weight loss competition again so I have to be on my A game!

Good luck to all those trying to lose weight as well!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Victim or Attacker?

My weigh in did not go as I hoped it would. I gained .8 pounds for a nice 157.4. When I see a pound gain on the scale my reaction is to play the victim. I get upset, all though I know what I did wrong. I ate way more calories, I drank a few cokes, oh and it was super windy so I did not run outside. Excuse after excuse comes from my mouth until I feel like my gain is justified. This morning I was thinking of my weight goal and how hard it has seemed to reach it. My friends are droppng weight left and right (and I am so happy for them)and I am a flippin personaly trainer. I am designed not to give up right? I can train anyone I have realized besides myself. I am one of those people that need change in my workout. Going to the gym everyday is not going to cut it for me. I LOVE being outside running, walking with my family, and bike riding.

Back to the point. I realized this morning that I am the attacker not the victim. I wait for any excuse to rise to eat bad or not work out. Yes I am super busy but I know I could take 30 minutes out of my day for a little exercise. I know that I could keep better track of what I eat. I just choose not to and then cry about it when I dont see the results I wanted.

I know some people that do this to themselves. I am in the same boat. But I am lucky because I realized this morning that I can not rely on my friends or family to keep me motivated or even exercise with me. I have to be willing and ready to do it on my own. Until that point I will never be where I want.

I have 26 days until my graduation and I want to look and feel better then I ever have. My goal is 7.4 pounds. I think I can do it!! So I am pledging to everyone one that by May 13 I will have lost 7.4 pounds or will have tried my hardest to get to that point.

Pledge to yourself if that is what it takes. If you have a great support system USE them. They want to be used, they want to know you accomplishments. Make rewards for yourself along the way to encourage you to keep going even if it is just a magazine.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Weekly update 4/12

So since this has to be quick so I can get ready for work I had my official weigh in friday. I am currently at 156.6. I started insanity again with one of my very persistant best friends Brittney. I have to admit the first day I did not do it until 9 PM because she was on me like white on rice. Today I am going to buy my graduation dress!

I have been struggling with some emotional issues this week. I have a few trouble spots on my skin that I have to get checked out. My husband may have to have knee surgery and was put on high blood pressure medication at the ripe old age of 28. In that case I did not eat much and was just down.

I appreciate everyone that has contacted me and tried to cheer me up.

I will be posting more detailed stuff this week dealing with my workouts and everything just wanted to let everyone know my progress!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Update 4/4

A new week has begun. As some but not all of you know last tuesday I got spacers, and braces. I am supposed to be on a liquid diet, and I have taken full advantage of that. Eating noodles, drinking whatever I want, and trying to eat whatever I can. My weight has stayed the same...until today!

I got on the scale this morning fully aware that I did not work out yesterday. The numbers flashed across the screen and....158.8. I could not believe it so I got off and back on the scale. 158.8 again, and I proceeded to do a happy dance. YES!!! 2 whole pounds down. If you remember 1-2 weeks ago I was crying because I had reached 162 again, and again could not break free from it and here I am at 158.8.

You want to know what I did different?! You would think it was my eating but I maintained all my calories. Are you ready?? I signed up for the CAVEMAN CRAWL. It is my favorite mud race and this year I want to run most if not all of it. I have been training through hills, and intrevals.

As for Insanity. I have not done that in a week. I am also going to start going back to the gym when I get off work. I am absolutely not a runner. I have become addicted. When I run outside childless I feel free to do what I want. I think, focus on my breathing and push myself.

I feel the need to tell everyone that I know gaining and losing weight is easy to do and it is easy to get discouraged. Please don't. If I had been discouraged by my weight gain I would not be back at my current victory. Chin up!