Monday, December 12, 2011

If I have said it once I have said it 100 times....

So I did not weigh this morning. I tried to act like I forgot but we all know that I did not. I weighed Friday morning after sushi and mexican and I was at my lowest weight to date. However I had a family christmas this weekend and ate HORRIBLE. Actually horrible is probably an understatement.

I had started this plan called Jamie Eason 12 week trainer. I was super excited about it. Lifting weights 4 days a week was the easy part. The hard part was the clean eating and eating 6 times a day. I spent a whopping 170.00 on supplements, protein powder, and food. The food lasted me a whole 6 days. The sad thing was I LOVED it. I loved how it made me feel, how in control I was, I felt sexy and strong. I even noticed a spike in my sex drive. Minus the fact that work had been crazy bad and I was trying to reach my high money goal. I was stressed about christmas. I did not have the best christmas's as a child all though I like to think my parents really tried. I know I very seldom got things I really wanted and asked for so I decided that my kids would get the things they asked for and oh did they. My daughter K's list is complete minus the Dora kitchen because she all ready has a princess kitchen. E got a minnie mouse shopping cart which she absolutely loves (they opened a gift early at this weekends family christmas). K opened her princess scooter which she practically sleeps with. They also got a trampoline, E got a princess 6v ride on toy, and an aquadoodle. K got an Mermaid Salon with all the little add ons, skates with pads, and we got her a princess barbie house for her birthday. I just did not feel like that was enough for them to open. Seriously I have been thinking about this hardcore. Sitting here googling toysrus and target I realized that I wanted to do something that started new traditions, something that we could do together as a family that would encourage them to learn. So I am getting them mine and ray's favorite child hood books and movies. We have family nights and watch movies together so I bought lion King and am going to buy Kung fu panda 2 tomorrow. I would love to get beauty and the Beast as well. The books I am going to get are "If you give a mouse a cookie" and "The Very Hungry Catepillar" and whatever else pops up that reminds me of my childhood. Hopefully we can all sit down and read together.

Moving on to my diet and exercise. I ate really bad. I did not complete my 4 workouts. I am starting to train for a half marathon. I did eat great today considering what I have been eating. So I am just going to take this journey one day at a time for harder every day to get my body where I want it.

Another tidbit of great news....E teeteed in the potty for the first time!! I was so proud. K is in the church drama and I got to see her play an angel which was double amazing!!

I am cherishing life right now.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I watched a true story movie today about a family fighting to save their two year old from leukemia. They were at st. Jude's hospital. These kids had to deal with real life problems. They knew words that the shouldn't like remission, blood level counts, and experimental drugs. The one little girl in the movie touched my soul when she talked about heaven and knowing god. How brave of that child. I cried as I watched a mother lose her baby. The great part about this movie is it restores your faith in human beings. Strangers, neighbors, friends, and family came together to support this family. It also teachs to cherish every moment you have with your children, spouse, and other loved ones. It's easy to get caught up in life but you have to take time to enjoy the little things. I personally have let life start getting in my way of just enjoying myself. The little boys name was Dax and I believe the movie is called the heart of Christmas or something along those lines. Watch it If you get a chance. One thing I did enjoy this weekend is food, family, and getting to see my daughter in the church play. I was so proud of her in every step she took across stage. Emma just brightens my day with a simple smile and ray is the most amazing husband. He goes above and beyond for me. Enjoy you family while you can.