Friday, January 25, 2013

Survey "real women have curves"

A while back I conducted a survey about how women felt about their bodies. Just so everyone could see how they measure up and know they are not alone. Thought I should share it again.....Here is the post.

I conducted a survey called "Real women have curves". I asked 10 simple questions that all of 100 ladies answered. Here are some of the findings that I came up with so far. I am not done though!

Things that Women love most about themselves.
27% butt
15% boobs
11% legs
8% arms
8% smile
8% stomach
4% hair
4% face
4% eyes
4% shoulders
4% back
3% height

Things that women hate most about themselves
42% stomach
11% legs
8% stretch marks
8% thighs
8% boobs
4% complexion
4% butt
4% arms
4% calves
4% cellulite
3% ears

And Drumroll......

Here is a healthy weight chart for everyone. The minimum is having a BMI no less then 20. For those who are underweight because they want to be skinny I suggest putting on a few pounds of muscle. NO cheeseburger runs please!! For the record I know due to the survey that some underweight are trying to put on weight by working out and increasing healthy calorie intake. The maximum of course is the maximum not to exceed a BMI of 25.

5"1' 106-132
5"2' 109-137
5"3' 113-141
5"4' 117-146
5"5' 120-150
5"6' 124-155
5"7' 128-160
5"8' 132-164
5"9' 135-169
5"10' 139-174
5"11' 143-179
6"0' 147-184

These weight goals can be found by doing any BMI calculator and also on and usda.

I am not saying that anyone is overweight or underweight if you do not fall into these numbers. These numbers are what is considered a healthy and optimum weight.

75% of everyone who took the survey said they feel others judge them.
85% of everyone who took the survey said they judge others.
55% of everyone who took the survey said their weight affects their sex life.

90% say they are going to choose healthy eating and exercise to meet their weight goals.

10% say they are choosing programs such as weight watchers in order to stabalize their eating habits.

I will add all the quotes this weekend!!

What is this all about??

"What is this all about" was a question asked to me about my blog. I guess my about me is a bit vague so I will be a little more detailed.

My entire life I have had an issue with my weight and body. I was the tall girl or the "thick" girl. All the guys in my grade were the same size as I was, which can be a bit of a downer when you want to feel guarded and safe. I never wore two piece bathing suits. I didn't wear short shorts or revealing tops. I ALWAYS sucked in. I dated boys way older then me because those were the type that made me feel comfortable with my body. I felt safe. I had friends that in my eyes were track stars, even the other girls that were my size looked amazing and totally rocked their bodies, and then there were those with those crazy six packs. I grew up in a home where healthy eating was not a priority although it should have been given that most of my family is overweight and have serious health issues.

I met my husband working as a "sandwich artist" at subway (you can laugh if you want). He hit on me, and asked me on a date. I stood him up first go around, felt awful, and made it up to him. Did I mention that I lied about my age?? Oh yeah I lied about my age. He was a trooper when I dropped the bomb on him. It was already to late...he loved me :). We dated for about a year and split. It was my senior year and although my heart was broken I had the greatest friends to take up my time. I did what every Sr. girl in high school should do...I got crazy. I didn't care about my body at all. I drank, ate whatever I wanted, didn't focus on school, and I would soon reap what I sowed. My husband (R) and I got back together towards the end of my Sr. year after my grandfather (my hero) passed. Being overweight was just one factor in his passing. He was in a really bad truck accident and developed diabetes. My grandpa was set in his ways. He was strong for as long as he could be mentally but his body just couldn't go on and began to shut down. When he passed my life spun out of control. Family problems happened and I switched schools...just crazy. Again my body was of no concern to me. Alcohol and food numbed me. I went years without facing the fact that I had lost one of the only men in my life that without a doubt loved me unconditionally. No money or strings attached. He wanted the best for me. Let me skip ahead. Me and R eventually tied the knot in 2005. My weight was around 180 and I am 5'7.5. I had 2 miscarriages early on in our relationship...but the part I am getting to changed it all. The bank I worked at was robbed at gunpoint. It was a crazy situation. I had to go to counseling per the company I worked for and things were hectic. R and I had been married for almost 2 years. I realized my boobs hurt like CRAZY...and jokingly a girl said "You must be pregnant". I looked in horror as I started searching for my date book....Crap I was a month late and hadn't even noticed...I went home and took the test. POSITIVE. I cried in shock but was secretly excited. I was young but you know "first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage" right? We told our family and celebrated. A few weeks later I started to bleed. A lot. R rushed me to the hospital and it was there we learned our baby was not viable. Although I should have been between 8-12 weeks the baby never developed. I was told to go home, lay in bed, and wait for the baby/tissue to pass. That was a Friday. Saturday R did everything he could to keep me comfortable. All I could do was cry. I blamed it all on myself. What kind of woman was I? So many questions ran through my mind with no answers. The bleeding just proceeded to get worse and by Sunday I was out of my mind. I left my jail cell knowing that the baby that I was carrying was dead. Still bleeding I was taken into surgery that Monday. When I got home everything seemed to be without joy and colorless. I had my follow up appointment and all I could seem to ask was "why"? The doctor said there was no for sure answer but my weight could have been a factor. As the words poured out of Dr. W's mouth I was making the decision to get healthy so I could have my miracle baby. I started running, competed in my first half marathon (which I totally under trained for), did magazine workouts, and got a punching bag and boxing gloves. I was in the best shape I had been in ever. I was taking pregnancy tests like I had stock in the company. I was lucky. On month three I had two pink lines cross my stick. It was so faint R couldn't even see it...but I knew it was there.

At that moment my life stood still. I quit anything remotely close to exercise. I was scared I would jiggle my little yolk out of my tummy...have I mentioned that ray bribed me with ice cream every night? I put on weight...and fast. By my delivery date I had gained a solid 80 pounds. I weighed 240+ pounds. I felt like a house. I had stretch marks on EVERY part of my body. In the moment...I didn't care. My baby was safe and I took my pregnancy full term. That was something to be joyful about. I delivered K via C-section which was brutal on my abdominal muscles. When I got home I dropped to about 197 within a few weeks. YAY for breast feeding!. My weight halted. I cried when I ran outside because I felt everyone was looking at me, and frankly I just didn't know where to start. I left the bank and went back to waitressing, and I started to buy weights and do at home workouts. I got down to 162 when my marriage took a huge hit at the same time I discovered I was pregnant with E. My little world was crumbling and I had no control. I didn't gain as much weight but I didn't focus on what was best for my body. Working as a waitress, trying to support a family, struggling with my marriage, and trying to do school took its toll. I gained another 50 pounds. I delivered C-section again. When I came home I was disgusted at what I had become physically. I had a mental breakdown outside of an Old Navy.  R bought me a treadmill, an Ipod, music, videos...He was more then supportive. I dropped back down to 180 Blah, Blah, Blah....Eventually the financial struggle was more then I could take and R had just started a new job. In efforts to save everyone time and money we moved in with my inlaws. They are amazingly fantastic people. I transferred waitressing jobs and started doing more 5ks, trying new workouts, just enjoying my family, time and money. The weight just started falling off. I got down to 155 and that has been where I have struggled. I have been down to 143 but started the tech program and quickly got back to 155 due to the lack of activity. I am out of the program now and am fighting for the body I want..gradually :)  I am okay knowing I will NEVER wear a two piece, that I have stretch marks everywhere, and that I will never have a sculpted six pack.

I am learning everyday about clean eating, and exercise. This is all about my personal journey everyday. Its all about my finances, my marriage, being a mom, name it and its on here somewhere. Its my daily struggle figuring out who I am. There is so much more to come and I cant wait.

Soooooo....that's my about me for now...

to be continued...!


Jan 22 (Tuesday). I don't really remember much about this day other then me going to work and going on an amazing 2 mile run. The weather was perfect. I didn't have any trouble breathing. I just flat out got out there and destroyed two miles.

Jan 23 (Wednesday). I was off work and not by choice. I decided to use my day to my advantage. I did a tire workout with bands, jump ropes, and a kettlebell. I also went out and ran 3 miles. It was so amazing outside I just wanted to be out there all day. Inspired by the amazing sun I took the girls to the park. We then went to get some groceries, cleaned out daddy's car, and then ate some dinner with daddy. I was exhausted by the end of the day...

Jan 24 (Thursday). I woke up and got ready for work. I have complete goals that I will go into later but I feel as if I am waking up with more ambition and drive. I got off work, and came straight home to run a few miles. I am so proud of myself for running these past few days. I am not known for sticking with anything. I found out I made the Deans list at NCTC and if it was possible it gave me more drive to proceed. It made me smile but sad that I was not in school this semester. I have been working on my taxes and am super disappointed in how things are being done this year. It looks like my stuff will not even be processed until the end of Feb. because I rent. I don't make anything off of it so it looks like I took a loss. I am so confused at this process. Last year it was so easy and now I am hit with all these new rules and regulations and none of the tax forms I need are ready....sooooo crappy. I did manage to throw in a little workout later in the night.

I have some exciting stuff coming up and some stuff I am going to giveaway....I cant tell anyone yet...but again I am SUPER EXCITED :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Welcome to hell.

This past two weeks has been super brutal. I had one amazing week of workouts and then BAM...stomach virus from hell. It started Monday 1/14. I went to NCTC to drop my surgical tech classes only to discover that in doing so I owe the school money. AWESOME. To celebrate we went to potbelly subs (I am in love with their cookies). Immediately after eating I started to feel very ill. Of course I had to work at 5. I decided to take a nap and sleep off the nausea. When I woke up I still felt like crap but proceeded to work anyways. I ended up being sent home. I spent Tuesday in bed all day. Wednesday I actually felt well enough to work. Got up Thursday for my double and it was GAME OVER..I screamed, cried, prayed, slept in the bathroom floor, I couldn't even :). Exciting changes coming and I cant wait to share them!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Battle of the Bulge has Begun....

Okay so I have not been on here in a little bit and there has been so much that has happened. Where to start??

From Jan 1st-Jan 7th I ran a total of 6 miles and had no workouts. I did not lose any weight. I went up and down everyday and at the end of the week I ended up where I left off.

In between all of this my husband was extremely sick and managed to lose 15 pounds. Go figure.

Jan 8th- My oldest daughters 5th birthday and the start of a new week. We surprised her with all her Little Mermaid goodies, went to Pump It Up as a family (yes mommy got in and may have ripped her pants a little bit), got the birthday girl a new booster seat for the car (which I hate because it is so bulky it makes it hard to buckle her), rented some movies, ate at Pappa Burgers for the first time (highly over-rated and expensive). Overall it was an amazing day spent with my little cupcake.

Jan 9th- This is the day I finally decided to get my lazy a*$ off the couch. I did the first day of Jamie Eason's livefit trainer and finished it up with a mile run in the rain. I felt so amazing. I have been looking for a program that incorporates weights. I wanted more like a guideline and Jamie Eason does that. However; in order to see results you can not do cardio the first month. I of course have to because I am training for a half marathon. In my search I learned about bodyrock. I had heard of it before but was more confused then intrigued. Then I heard about the 30 day challenge. I was thinking "I can do anything for 30 days". So I checked it out. These workouts are short but INSANE. I thought I would give it a shot but it didn't start until the 10th. This was also the day I decided that I would not be going back into the Surgical Tech Program. It was a super huge decision and trust me...I cried and prayed a lot. There is just so many things I want to get in order. One of those being us moving into our own little shack :) and making it our own. I also really want to get my bachelors. Some things just are not meant to be. Maybe I was rushing gods plan? Whatever the case. I am extremely happy with my decision. I am going to enroll at UNT in the fall with a major in Kinesiology and hopefully a minor in History or business (I have not really decided). I am starting the ground work now to find out what classes I need to enroll in. So these next 8 months I am going to focus on saving, moving out, hitting some personal goals, my body, mind and spirit (I started doing a bible study. It's just a paragraph a day, but it changes my entire mood)

Jan 10th- I got up ready to do this crazy bodyrock fit test and because the girl that does it is overseas she does not load them until the evening. So I decided to do day 2 of livefit trainer. After I lifted I followed it with another mile. The did my measurements and all that jazz. For the most part I ate really well. UNTIL...ray was finally able to hold down foods so he made these amazing potato fries...I am not kidding when I say they were amazing. I could not eat enough they were so good. I made salmon and stuffing to go with it, but in the end its the fries that did me in.

Jan 11th- I woke up and it was amazing outside (high of 70). I went back to work. Had fun and made some money. Came home put all of my money in my pimp cup (savings mason jar). Then I went and ran 3 miles, picked up the girls, went to the park, fed the cows, did my day one fit test (super brutal), paid bills, finished my drug cards for the girls that are returning to the program, and finally me and kylie cooked dinner together. Bourbon rubbed salmon with BBQ sauce, black beans, corn, and avocado slices. I will be darned though if ray didn't get home and made more fries...YES I made him make a batch for me...they are soooooo good.

I am not sure if I missed anything but if I did I will catch up on it tomorrow. Good night all.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New year and New us.

Weighed in Jan 1st and I saw improvement!! 152.6. Started using my Lose it App again to track what I eat. Started drinking 80 0z of water a day. Went running. 6 miles into the year. My goal for the year is 1000. That's 600 more then last year.

We rang in the new year alcohol free and with our babies, and no new year would be complete without duck dynasty. I received a very sweet kiss and then it was lights out. I have so many more details but I hate posting on my phone. I will have our goals and first new year weigh ins!!