Thursday, March 28, 2013

Jamming on Male and Female friendships

Nothing is better then being in your undies and workout tank completely jamming out to the most amazing mash ups. Seriously I want to jump on my bed to dance and sing into my hairbrush! I am such a professional right?! So far this week has had so many emotions that today I just told those emotions to take a back seat and shut the F up.

I decided that my race in Washington will probably be my last one for a while. I love getting out and running 1-3 miles after a good workout, but these 10 mile runs have been completely draining me and has taken the fun of running away. I dread these long mile run because I know it will take a few hours of my day to dedicate. I still would like to do the Disney princess half but that will be a long time from now.

I also let some thoughts take over and for a minute I forgot the good some friends bring to me. I am always waiting to get hurt. It is like wearing winter clothes in the summer because you know eventually it will get cold. The best friendships in the world are the ones that bring something to the positive to the table every time. One relationship I have with a male has been criticized and some of what people say should be right. Male and female friendships generally do not work. Statistics have said there are 3 types of male and female interactions.

1. Male leads female on
2. Female leads Male on
3. Happily ever after (true love to the moon and back type stuff)

Really think about it....Every boyfriend that I have not dumped has lead me on. It's happened to everyone. You are so in love with this dude, but he loves this other chick. He keeps you in the friend zone almost as a back up in case he can't get what he really wants. I call it the love from afar syndrome. Your always close but so far away. I see it happen all the time with girls and guys. I can honestly say though that male and female friendships can exist. You just have to have your mind and heart in the right place. Every girl needs a dude to tell her what's up in a guys mind. Tell us when we need to calm the F down and chill out, quit being crazy (because lets face it we are all crazy), and to be that non bias opinion that we desperately need.

I am married and have great male friends in my life. If I need advice with my marriage or motivation for my goals I know exactly who to call. If there is a chance in a hell that a fight I have caused is my fault I consult those guys. If they tell me I am in the wrong and they totally will, I know that I messed up and an apology is in order. One friend I have had since high school and we come and go out of each others lives but I love that guy. I care what happens to him, his family, his animals, and I want what is the absolute best for him. There is such a stigma though. I tell my female friends I love them ALL the time (at least once a day), because I do love them. Not in a '' let's get married and make babies'' type of way but I care about them. They are in my heart, mind, and soul and to me that is what love is. You bet your sweet ass though if I were to tell a man friend that I loved them I would be going to I am an adulteress whore or something. So for the safety of myself...I like my man friends a lot!! No one beats my husband ever. period. He holds all the cards. He knows me inside and out, has been there for the good and bad, has held my hand and helped me when I wanted to disappear or die. No man ever will do what he has done. He saved my life and I have no idea where I would be without him. I am just in a different stage in my life. I need and want to surround myself with people who better me and I want to be very clear...any friend male or female that can stick through my crazy mood swings, hurt feelings, and family issues is a flipping saint!

So here is a sweet tea cheers for all the males and females who make their amazing friendships work without bumping and grinding :) If I were a pot smoker I would say "Love everyone man" in a cheech and chong kind of way. Be a legit friend.

conclusion: despite statistics male and female friendships can work. You have to be vocal, have boundaries, and respect one another.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Week 7....Over halfway baby!!!

This week I was a tad on the lazy side...not to mention that my diet well...was not a diet. It was more like a free for all. I was so hungry all the time. I have to try harder to control it. The first step is admitting you have a problem right?? Well I am highly addicted to sweets. I dream of reese's in ice cream lathered with chocolate syrup. I am not kidding. I have a reese's peanut butter cup almost every night. Sometimes I bribe my husband to get me some...It's like my crack. I could probably have my dream body if it was not for those peanut butter delights. I did manage to get a NINE mile run in Saturday. That's right, I said NINE miles. Here is the funny part. It was super crazy weather and I am talking lightening and thunder. So in the spirit of not making excuses I took to the treadmill outside. My husband was out work, and the in laws were out of town so it was my beautiful girls and me. Literally, I would run .50 to a mile and have to get off and break up a fight, feed, or tell the girls to quit doing something. It was the longest run of my life but I didn't give up and that was the part I was most proud of. I also wrote some of my own workouts plus did a pinterest one. I am still mad at myself because I could have worked harder.

School stuff had me totally mind blown this week. I found out I owed another school so they were withholding transcripts from 7 years ago. It took three days to get payment figured out and now I have to wait another 2-3 weeks for everything to get cleared up. Super fun. I also have to decide if I want to bite the bullet and get myself into UNT or if I want to try and do my pre-reqs at NCTC. I am pretty sure what my decision will be if I can get it all worked out.

My Hubs got his dream present. He has wanted a 4 wheeler since he was a teenager and Friday my honey bunny got one. The smile on his face was priceless. He was a very happy man.

Today I was super LAZY...I went to church, watched a bunch of marvel movies, chilled with the family, picked out colors for my dresser that I am redoing. I wore these SUPER cute leggings outside of church and discovered only after wearing them out that you could completely see right through them.....awesome! Over all though it was a fantastic Sunday!

So I am going to start reading the great Gatsby this week with some girls from work. Week 8 of training starts....4 more weeks until WASHINGTON!!!

Mission in week 8- Organize my crazy room and try to control me eating.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 6

This week marked the halfway point of my half marathon training for Washington DC. It also marked spring break, Ray's birthday, and Emma's Birthday. We all took off as a family and so much happened! We had such a blast all being together and I still managed to get in my runs.

Monday on my run I was attacked by a teeny tiny dog...she bit me just below the knee and it stung...It was supposed to be a 3 mile run but I shortened it to 3. Wednesday was Ray's birthday and we surprised him with an early morning spongebob party. K and I had kept the secret for days! We spent the day riding 4 wheelers, grilling, and enjoying the sun. It was amazing and I still got out and killed 5 miles. K learned how to drive her big girl 4 wheeler and now she is unstoppable. That is all she wanted to do for most of the week. Thursday we shot guns, started getting ready for Emma's party and had a nice dinner out. K insisted on going to build a bear and I insisted on not spending 100.00 on two bears, soooo I took k to storage and gave her my bear from when I was a baby. She LOVED the gift and has cuddled with it since. We made s'mores and went to the beach. I got the craziest sunburn but the girls had such a blast and enjoyed every minute. We got them some beach towels and sand toys so I am sure we will be going back for sure.

Saturday was E's birthday and it was AMAZING. We woke her up with her first gift which was an embellished tinkerbell dress with wings from the Disney store. Then daddy and pappy whisked her and K to Sweet and Sassy where they got their hair, makeup, and nails done. Did I mention K wore her embellished little mermaid costume. It was so stinking cute. It was not all fun and games though. I had to do 7.5 miles that morning. it was brutal and I was tired but I beat my goal time and may or may not have gotten a little teary eyed. E came home with pizza and to all of her favorite people. She couldn't wait to sing happy birthday to herself so we hurried and ate pizza, then we sang and ate sugar, and next we did presents. E got some awesome gifts and got to add to her Disneyworld bucket. I think the other kids cared more about playing outside. The trampoline and 4 wheeler rides with all the little kids was the highlight of the day. E's eyes were gleaming and her bright smile was shining. She was so happy and it just melted my heart. After everyone left we decided to go fishing. E got her new flip flops dirty right off the bat and me being a good mom tried to wash them off. The second I got close to the water I sank straight down. Mud almost to my knees and my flip flops gone!! It was gross. The party went on though and the girls caught a bunch of perch. Sunday was church day and the hubby took me to get some goodies afterwards. We had an awesome lunch at Mcalisters and I got a super cute top from Rue 21.

Well that ends the week!! Now for week 7.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 5

This week was crazy to say the least. I had so much going on and with my injury I was lucky to get in my three workouts. I did end the week with 21 miles and did manage to run my 10K this Saturday. Funny note: didn't even know the 6.2 miles I ran was a 10k until after. It just didn't occur to me. I guess I will start at the beginning of the week...

Ran. Iced my hip like crazy. Played outside in the beautiful and warm weather. worked, worked, and worked. Okay now I am to Friday! Friday was K's first field trip. They went to the zoo and R and I were both lucky enough to get off. It was freezing balls outside but we made the best of it.

Saturday I got out for my long run and it was pouring down rain. My solution: treadmill on the back porch, music jamming, my kids watching and waiting, and me...running my little heart out. I hate the treadmill for future reference. I nailed that 6.2 miles and it felt good to accomplish a goal. I love that little girl!! I got a new desk which my close friends know put me over the moon. I redid the chair and replaced the knobs...I feel so nerdy at how happy this desk makes me. I drove home in this stupid crazy storm with hail. That crap is for the birds.

Side note: I am breaking out in this itchy rash across my chest?? I thought it was a necklace but now I am not so sure. It is caked in cortisone right now to avoid me scratching...I am a scratcher :)
Today started off hectic....but it ended fluffy and to love lazy cold sundays. I am currently listening to most amazing workout music on youtube...I am motivated to drink my water really fast right now!!

Okay now for the rant......

For those who think it is okay to tell someone that they can't or won't do should be UFC punched in the face. FOR would be different if I thought you were trying to be motivating in any way, but you were sincere in your statement. I live and breathe to now prove you stupid wrong. There is the gasoline on my tiny flame. You have awoken something in me that I didn't know was there. I do change my mind a million times a day. You want to know why?? There are so many unhappy people in the world. Why would I want to be like you..waking up everyday hating my life. Struggling with just being a fake version of myself. I change my mind and am vocal about it because I am human. Because I search for happiness. I want to have a job that means something to me and that provides for my family. I care about my body as well. I struggle like the other millions and billions of people in the world. That's what makes me relatable. I am progress. I am the happiest with my body that I have ever been and it is only going to get better. As for your crack at me being 26 and a waitress with two kids while I am in school....I am not the one you should feel sorry for...Let me break this down for you. I work part time and make enough money that I get to do crazy amazing things with my family. I get to take off for my kids plays, field trips, when they are sick, or when I want a fun day in the sun with my family. I have AMAZING managers and coworkers. I have guests that ask for me and only me. I LOVE MY JOB. Some people are not cut out for it so they try to judge what they don't understand. You have fun in you 9-5 job barely making more then me and not seeing the daylight. I wouldn't trade anything for what anyone else has. I am not jealous of you and your coach bags and expensive know how I see you?? A materialistic, unhappy, and immature child...who has nothing else better to do then try and beat others down. You didn't make me feel bad about my life..You made me think and realize how much I appreciate my life. I am happy and very very blessed. As for my prepared. I am going to rub your face in my triumphs. I am going to pray my heart out. I am going to keep being happy and keep my eyes on what matters...God, my family, my goals, and the truest of true friends.

There's my rant....sorry I had to share. I feel better now!!! Good night all...week 6 starts tomorrow. I am halfway there!