Sunday, May 29, 2011

House # 2 that we picked.

We have had a dream house picked out for a while and hung on our wall for inspiration but when I saw this house on the cover of a book I fell in love instantly with it. So now we have two house plans picked out (and this one is my favorite!)..Tell me what you guys think..

This last house was a picture that I found on google. A couple actually built the house and posted pictures of the entire process. The last picture was the house after it was built.

New Stuff

So I am doing some soul searching and decided to start changing things up a bit. I love my friends and family that read this so I am going to start putting everything I want to put on this blog...almost like a journal I guess. Finished posts and stuff will be up tonight!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I did not care UPDATE 5/19

It has been almost 2 weeks since my last update. I have been thinking about my blog and what I might write that's motivational but had nothing.

One item of good news: I GRADUATED NCTC MAY 13, 2011 (WITH AN ASSOCIATES TO SCIENCE)!! Best night ever but not for my diet!!

Let me start at the beginning of the two weeks. I was bogged down with finals, work, kids, and everything else. I decided that I did not have time to try and eat well and exercise. To be flat out honest I made excuses. I was in a rush, I was to busy, I did not have time, if I don't work out today I for sure will tomorrow...those were just a few that topped my list. I ate out what feels like everyday, started drinking sodas, quit counting calories, and worked out maybe twice. I had also let money get in the way of my happiness. I am one of those people that have to have a cushion in case something happens and when I do not I tend to freak out. I had been spending money like crazy doing family stuff, eating out, and buying the kids stuff I swear they needed. So it should come as no surprise when at my friday weigh in I was 160.6 pounds. That would be 6 pounds more then at my weigh in two weeks before. I felt awful. How the hell could I let this happen? All the hard work I had put in was unraveled in two weeks.

This summer I created a to do list. On that list was follow through with insanity, kayaking, paintballing, running a night race, etc... So this monday I decided what the hell do I have to lose except weight. Me and my husband sat down and made a budget and huge goals for our financial future.

Monday morning I weighed in at 160.6. I at good started my insanity (currnetly on day 8), going back to the gym, working as many day shift as I can, and eating healthy. We have been cooking dinner at home and it has been wonderful. Soo I weighed myself this morning and so far I am back down to 156.2...that is 4.4 pounds in 3 days!! That may be just water weight but I am completely okay with that. I did take before pictures for my insanity progress pictures so hopefully I will see a difference.

I have not posted any pictures in a while so here a just a few!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Update 5/4

Soooo....I have taken a bold step and decided to get rid of all my commitments. I have stopped doing Cupcakes and Bumble Bee's and BustUrBunz. This summer is going to be about me and my family. I have a long school journey ahead of me and this is the last summer I will have off and I want to take full advantage of it. I do not want to burn bridges but if people get angry I am okay with that to.

As for my own personal weight loss I stepped on the scale this morning and BAM 154.2!!! 4.2 pounds to go and only 9 days until graduation. I am so excited that I have this blog to share this stuff with you guys!!