Saturday, February 12, 2011

New to this!!

So I am completely new to this process, and am super nervous. I will start from the beginning, and the reason I am doing this blog. I have always been the big girl (in my mind). When all my friends were size 2 and 4's I was an 8 or 10. Gradually as time progressed so did my weight. I had three miscarriages and finally the doctor told me that my weight could be a factor. Hell bent and determined I lost 20 pounds and in the oven. I was terrified that I would lose this gift from god, so your guessed it, I put on 80 pounds. You read that right 80. After I had Kylie I really wanted to be healthy for her but my heart was not 100% into losing the weight. I went to Old Navy and broke down in tears when I tried on the biggest pair of pants they had and they fit. Again I was determined I was going to lose the weight, and I did. Then BAM, I was pregnant again. This time I looked out for myself and gained a moderate amount of weight. I really wanted to remain healthy, but I also wanted to learn as much as I could to help my friends and family. At this point I became a personal trainer, and really discovered how much work it took to be healthy and how much my friends and family would fight me on it. In my quest to be healthy I discovered that I loved to cook. I loved trying new recipes, and looking at everyones faces as they tried the foods I had slaved over. I also loved to bake (all though not healthy).

On a side note, I lOVE crafting. I love party sites and anything I can learn to do myself. I love people asking me how to make stuff and asking for pointers. I love trying new things even if I am terrible at it.

That brings me to WHY I am writing this blog. Friends, family, and fellow teachers and students told me I have a nac for sharing information. It has never really been about money. I just really enjoy helping people, or watching them enjoy the things I have created. I also have had a long struggle with weight and have tried EVERYTHING to lose those pounds. I have really bad days and really funny days. I have victories and I have felt my fair share of failure. I was encouraged to do this to find my voice, and share my ideas and experiences with anyone and everyone that will read.

So please read! If you have questions please ask, suggestions then share, comments, and anything and everything is welcome!!

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