Monday, August 6, 2012

Holy Moly day 1 of many...

Today was amazing and brutal in a little ball. It is 11 at night and my 4 and 2 year old are still awake and insisting that we plan their birthday parties. K wants barbie like her backpack and E wants mermaid. My kids are amazing and smart. I could not imagine my life any other way. Back to my amazing and brutal day. I slept in all though I wanted to get up and workout. My time management SUCKS. I was well rested though and that is what matters in the end. I got up and got pretty for work while blaring awesome 80's music. Work on my side (lounge) was slow today but I managed to make some pretty decent money. There were only two really really bad tippers..a newly 21 year old and his teen girlfriend. He was trying to prove his manliness by drinking a bunch and then laid down a 100.00.. I knew that meant a low tip..and 2.00 later I was right. The other bad tipper left me 1.50...really impressive sir. I hope you live in a shack. I did not let that bring down my day though because I had some super amazing guests today. Even if they had been bad tippers which they were not at all...these people made me laugh. They joked with me, I kept their beers full, we saw magic tricks, and watched the olympics. I had fantastic managers today. Work was just perfect today. My eating was great. I didnt really mess up and my water intake was on point as well. My hubs stopped by work and left me a sweet note in my car. You can tell he works at lowes because the note was on a paint stick. Such a romantic :)

Brutal = the workout that I put myself through today. I went to the gym after work today and ran a few miles and the grunting I heard from all the men lifting during my run made me realize I was going to do free weights at home. I came home and immediately did day 1 Insanity and Jamie Eason day 1 lifting. I want to all out kill it until school starts and hopefully I can manage my time well enough to keep up the work during school. My legs and arms are still shaking though and I am ready to give out.

Amazing = actually doing all the work and not letting anything get to me. I was literally trying to talk myself out of working out at all and my inner workout beast was screaming "DO THE FLIPPING WORKOUT LAZY ASS''. So I just pushed through and did it. I read today that anything you really want comes with sacrifice. That statement is truer then true. I have to do this though. Not for my husband, or to appeal to the masses, but for myself.

Side note I watched this movie warrior the other night with the hubby...great movie and I totally recommend it!

All in all I would say today was a great way to start a new chapter. My weight was 147.6 today and that means I have 10 POUNDS TO GO. Now for bedtime.

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