Friday, January 13, 2012

2012 Goals

1. Be a better role model to K and E- this means in every aspect of my life including church, eating, exercise, and behavior. I want to lead my girls down the right path so when they face tough decisions they know where to turn and can believe in themselves.

2. Get the body I have always wanted- NO I am not talking about my boob job, or my eye surgery. I am talking good ole' fashion muscle with hard work.

3. Eat Healthier- This kind of falls with the role model goal but also for myself. I need to eat better. Pizza is the easy way out but when I actually put time into it I LOVE cooking for my family and I love the awesome things I can create.

4. Save, Save, and oh yeah...Save- I would like to have 10,000.00 saved by the time fall semester starts so I can focus on my school and not worry about money.

5.Try New things-I want to try a new healthy recipe and workout every week. I want to go outside of my box or comfort zone and get myself out there. I love adventures and it's time I start having some

6.Get my run on!-I want to start doing new races, push myself to break my personal records, and try and get my friends and family involved.

7.Inspire and Encourage- I want to inspire and encourage family, friends, and strangers. I am not trying to save the world or anything but I do have a story and if anything I have to offer can help someone else then I want to put that out there.

8.Learn to let go- I am a tad on the controling side when it comes to....well....everything. I get extremely overwhelmed and stressed to the point I have anxiety attacks if something does not go as I plan it. I seriously act like a litte brat throwing a tantrum sometimes. I need to learn to let go so my mind and soul can be free. Even if that means taking baby least they are steps.

9. Get into the Surgical Tech program-This is K and E's future. I want to focus on school and do what I need to do to provide for my family and get us set up to live the way we always wanted.

10. Make the bible apart of my life-I believe in god but often when I seek guidance and answers I run to my friends and not the source. I started finding a verse a day that mimicks what I am feeling or advice I am seeking.

11. Be HAPPY and THANKFUL-I focus so much on the negative or on other people I sometimes forget my own needs. I want to smile and laugh everyday. I dont want to forget to thank god for all my blessings every night either. I truely have a great life even though sometimes I would like to think I do not.

I am not pledging to lose 30 pounds or be someone else. I want to be the best version of me. That's why these are goals for me. They are very attainable.

Some things I would like to work on is my potty mouth, road rage, and being clutter free.

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