Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Today was a good day

'Mommy, Mommy....wheres my sippy cup." That is what I woke up to this morning. It's amazing how you can be mad for having to get up so early and then smile because you have a beautiful little person in your face that is so excited to see your eyes open. Our routine every morning is laying in our bed and watching an episode of spongebob square pants. I was going to work out but decided to go to work early and help do an order. I jumped in the shower and shagged ass to work. It was a total 2.00 day. Some people know how to tip. They know how hard it is to wait on demanding people. Some people think that all though they ran my ass off and had the most random modifications to their orders that 2.00 is adequate for a 40.00 ticket. I want to reach out and slap some people. I make 2.13 an hour. I had a table yesterday and I am pretty sure the woman was the antichrist. There was no pleasing this woman. She looked at me like I was stupid and I could not do anything fast enough. How was I to know that her fat ass needed 20 ranchs for 3 chicken crispers. People drive me BANANA'S. I did get to work with the amazing MB today. I flipping love her so much. I can be completely honest with her and it's amazing how similar we are and how different our lifestyles are. We can go a few weeks and not really see each other and just pick up where we left off. The money was not good today but I still had a wonderful day. I got to have lunch with my MB and talk out some stuff. I also got to restart a bet that I have going with one of my managers. It gives me motivation to keep working out because I want to beat him. The bet this week is if I lose I have to buy a cast iron skillet form tractor supply. If I win (which I think I will!) he has to enter in a 5k called glow dallas. So this weeks bet is really good. Yesterday as soon as I got off work I worked out and since it was so hot I was only able to put a mile in, but that was better then nothing. My eating was super good for the most part and I did not over indulge right before I went to bed. So here's to day 1!!!

My workout of the day 6/26/2012

Me after that dreadful workout

My beautiful view on my run

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